Principal communication the first times the Middle East the people ...

Principal communication the first times the Middle East, the people ...

Principal communication the first times the Middle East the people ... Situation in the Middle East (North Africa-West Asia) is, has become a surprising expansion. Last month, expanded anti-government demonstrations and riots in [Tunisia] facing the Mediterranean Sea, the President is to exile the country, year followed by dictatorship was the first that had collapsed. Not improved the high unemployment rate and rising food prices, we uprising angry people to the corruption the first time and lavish lifestyle of the presidential clan, was so to speak, become a revolution. This energy immediately, was propagated to the Arab powers [Egypt]. 0 years near the country seeking the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, which has been ruled, followed by a large-scale anti-government demonstrations in various places, sights to set people is every day in the capital Cairo has been reported every day in the news. Curfew and net cut-off, all the work, such as demonstration organization of government support is stalemate immediately was Nasarema, [retirement as long as the current fiscal year] from the immediate resignation, immediate military transition] it has been converted into.

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